Helping you create a lifestyle of wellness that supports you through a happier, healthier pregnancy.

In Harmony Health & Wellness

A space for expecting parents, people trying to conceive, and anyone looking to improve their overall health. You will gain holistic health information, tools, and resources so you can achieve a higher level of health and well-being.


Pregnancy is not as simple as sperm meets egg and you have a baby. You may be actively trying to conceive, but you must maintain a healthy lifestyle to help boost your fertility and chances of getting pregnant and staying pregnant.

I guide you in laying a healthy foundation for your fertility.


There are no do-overs in birth. If you want something different, you must do something different.

I empower you with information, tools, and resources so you feel safe, seen, supported, and heard.


Wellness is a holistic approach to your overall health and well-being. It is the practice of incorporating small steps into your everyday lifestyle to achieve an optimal state of health.

I provide guidance and coach you on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a higher quality of life.

as seen in

You have the power to create a happier, healthier pregnancy

Imagine being chosen to create, carry, and nourish a new life and feeling fully supported in all areas of your journey.

Being confident in your body’s ability to conceive and give birth naturally.

Empowered to use your voice to advocate for the needs and desires of your unique pregnancy.

Creating a lifestyle of wellness that supports conception, pregnancy, birth, and beyond.

Wellness is the rhythm of your unique overall health and well-being in harmony with one another.

As soon as you decide to expand your family, you may be scared or confused.

Because you’ve heard all the nightmare stories in the media, in the blogs, and you’ve seen what happened to Serena Williams and other countless Black pregnant people.

This doesn’t have to be your story. You can increase your chances to conceive and have a natural birth, even if you were told your dream is impossible due to your age, medical history, or desire to wait. Everyone you know has gone the traditional route (and think you’re crazy to do it differently). It’s okay, somebody must be the leader and take another path. Why not you?

Don’t be scared or confused. Get the support you need.

With me by your side, you can create a lifestyle of wellness that supports a healthy pregnancy

You deserve support from someone who is educated, experienced, non-judgmental, and supportive of your choices. Someone who will help you feel confident in your decisions and safe, seen, supported, and heard.

We’ll be a great fit if:

You’re open to apothecary, plant medicine, and natural remedies

You’ve heard the dark realities of western medicine and the bias experienced by people of color

You’re searching for the right doula to support your unique fertility and health challenges

You’ve been referred to as a hippie, crunchy, or “granola” family

You suffered womb trauma and you’re looking for healing, such as miscarriage or loss

You’re ready to start your holistic healing journey

Hey, I’m Ebony!

When you hear the words “health & wellness” you might picture doctor visits, diets, and trips to the gym. You might think of meditation, yoga, herbs, healthy food, or even some form of exercise. You can even see these “perfect” people in athleisure wear sitting on pillows in the typical meditation prayer pose. You may see bowls full of grains and greens or some fresh green juice. Most times that is what you see and sometimes the experience looks completely different. No matter what path you choose — I would love to be your guide along the way. As a holistic doula and wellness coach, I work together with my families to help them create a lifestyle of wellness that supports a happy, healthy pregnancy. I help you understand your power and how to use your voice and influence in your health for a more rewarding experience.

When I’m not busy working you can catch me knee-deep in the latest health and wellness research, my apothecary cabinet mixing up some herbal remedies, perusing the town for a new farmer’s market, or giving belly rubs to my 14-year old Yorkie Chandler aka Chandler Bean or Boogs.


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